Level Up

Building a community of like-minded people

Empowering all individuals, customer & employee, through a sense of hope, progression, and persistence.

LEVEL UP is a resource founded by Troy Thomas based out of St. Louis, MO. Focusing on storytelling, this resource has provided a chance for those working within the brand to convey various themes, stories, & experiences through the clothing. While its foundation may be clothing, the resource aims to also empower all individuals, customer & employee, through a sense of hope, progression, and persistence.

Selling clothes is only one aspect of the resource. Through LEVEL UP, we aim to take care of the people who take care of us. We intend on building a community of like-minded people who are insistent on aiding the progression of themselves as well as the individuals around them. We will donate portions of our profits to causes we believe in. We will also speak out on various issues we think are important and open our floor to try to help give voice to the people and organizations we care about. We do this as we know that a responsible resource is one that understands there is more to life than just selling clothes.

As we grow as a company, so will everyone associated with us. While we hope to improve upon the many ways of producing certain products as we move forward (from using certain fabrics to using certain dyes), we also aim to leave everyone involved more educated as they follow us on this path. Through the transparency of the company as well as the touching subjects of discussion through the clothing, lives will be changed for the better.
The result is to help others like myself recognize their purpose & fulfill it. We invite you to join us on this journey, as it will be one that continually pushes all involved to become better human beings through the brand. #BeYouButBetter.



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